الأربعاء، 21 أغسطس 2019

Top 10 Coolest Inventions of 2018

Human beings have sought to facilitate and make more comfortable their quality of life since the beginning of time; of course, without forgetting to look for answers and explanations to everything that surrounds them. That’s why, year after year, countless discoveries and inventions come to light; and we have adapted many of them to our daily life. Last year wasn’t a exception, so we’ll take a look at the Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017.

Every year Time Magazine considers hundreds of inventions from all over the world, from scientific advances and gadgets, to products for everyday life; and selects the 25 best of them. In the last list published in November 2017, some famous brands such as Apple, Nintendo or Tesla stand out; and some inventions such as a Robots, Virtual Reality glasses, and –believe it or not– even the Spinners, had their recognition for innovation.
Let’s talk about some of these best inventions 2017!

10. Fidgnet Spinners

Let’s start this list with the cheapest invention of the top: Fidget Spinners. With a price tag of approximately $ 5.87, you’ve probably seen children and adults playing with this colorful little device. Although they were originally designed to help children with disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – since experts they say that having something to occupy our hands can help to improve concentration – this type of rotating toys have attracted the population in general; and now they come in all imaginable colors and designs!

9. Halo Top

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: Halo Top
As we mentioned at the beginning, this list of coolest inventions 2017 doesn’t only include technological advances, but also invention of everyday products. In this case, the Halo Top is about an ice cream without ice cream! With a price of approximately $ 5.99+ it’s an ice cream with low sugar content and no more than 360 calories per kilo. However, this product maintains its low caloric content using Stevia – an artificial sweetener – along with sugar cane and alcohol. Its annual sales soared approximately 2,500% last year when sold to the public as an excellent snack; and it even outsold one of the biggest ice cream brands on the market: Häagen-Dazs. This makes Halo Top Creamery a success!

8. Nike Pro Hijab

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: Nike Pro hijab
This invention earned its place in this list,  rather than its technology, to promote the importance of diversity in sport and to go against xenophobia. Nike – the world’s most influential sports company – unveiled its Pro Hijab; which will be available in spring 2018 with an approximate price of $ 35. This is a great initiative to support the passion of Muslim athletes, for whom practicing sports wearing a common hijab is very difficult. The Nike Pro is made with a light, breathable fabric that wicks away moisture; athletes who have used it say it helps control sweat.

7. Nintendo Switch

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: Nintendo Switch
Let’s continue these top 10 coolest inventions 2017 with the best gadget of the year for children and adults! The new Nintendo Switch is a video game console that changes according to the user’s need. In one mode it’s a home console, in another it’s a portable tablet that allows a single user to play while traveling; and in another way it allows multiple users to use it by means of two controllers. Nintendo has already sold more than 8 million of this console since its debut in March, at a price of approximately $ 299.99.

 6. Jibo: A robot friend

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: Jibo: A robot friend
Now, this invention promises to be the best invention in technology of recent years. Jibo is known as the first family robot in the world; and it has no resemblance to other personal robot attempts, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home. This robot really has humanoid characteristics and its main attraction is its emotional interaction. Its appearance, tone of voice, humor and sympathy make you feel that you have a little friend. Jibo is able to tell stories to children, take pictures just by saying “Jibo, take a picture”, and other hundreds of qualities. Although its creators think that Jibo still has a lot to learn, it’s  available with a price of $ 899; a good price for a pretty smart and friendly company robot!

5. iPhone X

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: iPhone X
Of course, the creations of the most famous cell phone company in the world – Apple – couldn’t stay out of the coolest inventions 2017. According to Time Magazine, the iPhone X is possibly the most sophisticated smartphone in the world; with a 5.8-inch screen that covers the entire front of the phone, an atypical resolution of 2436 x 1125 pixels and a dual 12 MP camera – smart enough to allow users to unlock the phone with their face– . So if you are an iPhone lover, you can buy this phone for a price of $ 999!

4. eSight 3

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: eSight 3
Glasses that give sight to the blind! This is one of the coolest inventions 2017 because it’s a creation that improves the quality of life of many people who are blind. eSight 3 mimics real vision, these powerful glasses record high-definition videos and use magnification, contrast and proprietary algorithms to enhance those images in something that legally blind can see; allowing them to participate in a wide variety of activities – including sports-. Although this invention isn’t accessible to all people, due to its price of $ 9,995, to date the company estimates that it has been used by more than 1,000 patients!

3. Tesla Model 3

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: Tesla Model 3
Now, if we talk about the best advances in automotive technology 2017, we have to mention the design of the new Tesla Model 3; one of the most awaited and relevant cars in history. This model promises to overcome the problems of electric cars – high price and limited range -. It’s the most developed of a series of electric cars, with an approximate price of $ 35,000 and offering more than 200 miles of driving distance on a single charge. Until today, their demand is so high – 1,800 orders per day, according to company estimates – that Tesla is struggling to keep up. “We are deep in production hell” said the co-founder and CEO of the company, Elon Musk.

2. Thyssenkrupp MULTI

Top 10 Coolest Inventions 2017: Thyssenkrupp MULTI
“Buildings are becoming vertical cities, and they need a flexible transport system similar to a metro” – Markus Jetter. Another of the great inventions of the world in 2017 was MULTI, a ropeless elevator system designed by the German company Thyssenkrupp that marks a milestone in the revolution of the elevator industry. The technology used to move the elevators through the shafts is the same magnetic mechanism used by Japan’s maglev train. This invention couldn’t only change waiting times, but change the way buildings are constructed and be critical in the construction of skyscrapers. The first MULTI will debut in Berlin in the year 2021.

1. NASA Mars Insight

Finally, what would this list of the 10 coolest inventions 2017 be without a NASA invention? The NASA Mars Insight project consists of the launch of a landing module – planned in May 2018 – that will study the interior of the red planet; this for the purpose of advancing in the understanding of the early history of all planets. This date is proposed because it will be the moment in which the Earth and the neighbor planet align, so that the trip will be faster; and the project will have an operating time of 728 Earth days.

This is our top 10 Best Inventions in 2017; but if you want to read all the Time Magazine 25 best inventions of 2017, click here!

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